Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today I wanted to touch on grief and how I am dealing with it.
about three months ago a friend of mine died and I have had trouble keeping my emotions in check. for a while I tried to avoid the subject. I didn't want to be depressed. Yesterday I decided to address what happened and deal with it. I always want to remember the good times we had but I start to realize I didn't have many moments to remember and I would never get the chance to make more.
One way I have been dealing with this is by talking to him. I tell him what I did that day and what I wish he could have seen. i tell him what made me remember him and what made me stop think because I knew he would have liked to be there.
Its hard to lose a friend.
I am very tired so I apologize for the poor quality of this post and I will most likely revise it once I have had more sleep.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I haven’t written in a while because I was dealing with issues in my life. I have not found a lot of things I thought necessary to bring up. I would be open for suggestions because I don’t want it to just go unused.
Leave comments if you have any ideas or go to my Facebook page and send me a message.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Faced

i have come to wonder in the last couple of days, if it is healthy to have a different way of dealing with friendships with different people. i realize that sounds off so ill try to explain.
when i am with my large group of friends i know that if i'm rude to them they will not take it personally and often poke fun, however with a separate friend i must constantly monitor my behaviors so as to not set them off. i find i am a completely different friend.
the average Hannah is a yell first then apologize if need be while the hannah i am with my singular friend is polite and giving. personally i would never think of myself that way, but it has become necessary.
i feel the friendship is important but i find myself wondering if its worth giving up the essence of me.
all in all i think this friend and i have a lot to learn and for now i just like being there for them and having them there.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Im sorry

it has come to my attention i might not be saying things in my blog in the nicest way. i welcome feedback and if anyone disagrees or has suggestions for future posts, please send me a message here or on facebook

i hope no one is too upset and i will remove blog posts if they are upsetting :)

Be Nice - It Works Better

Okay so I know its been a while but I have had a lot going on. this post will be focusing on what I have discovered this year.

I don't know how many people have been in a situation like this; someone you know is being annoying and you want to deal with it so you use a harsh tone to tell them or send queues for them to stop. while this might seem like an effective tactic, depending on the person it could ignite the one who is bothering you. This then causes a domino effect of making the annoying student upset and unstable, this in turn makes everyone around them on edge because when one person in a community is upset it effects everyone.

During this year I have discovered the fix to this problem. Its as simple as the age old rule to treat others the way you want to be treated. It seems like its such a simple rule that it couldn't do anything, but I find being nice is the quickest way to a resolution.

Whenever at school I make sure, no matter what mood I'm in, that I am always kind and I always put others first. If i cant do that then I politely say I'm not in the mood. Through this practice, more people trust me and see me as a safe person to talk to.

I have been practicing the technique in various settings whether it be settling a student down when someone has spoken harshly or if I am just talking to students that need a nicer tone.

The way my little brother looks at this is that he acts out more when teachers are rough with him, when a teacher is "soft" and works with his strengths he gets more accomplished. We are lucky that at this school we have so many of the "soft" teachers but when one a student is upset, it has worked so well to care about them and show them that people are on their side and understand. I see myself in so many of the kids and I have found the by making them feel better I make myself feel good and I become a nicer person as a result.

I also would like to say that I have done a fair share of this and for me its a very very recent discovery. I am posting this because i want to share this amazing thing i found out. hope you liked it. I tried to relate it to social skills but I don't know if I did. its been a while.
I will try to post again soon :)

sorry i edited this so much. i don't want to hurt anyones feelings. I'm sorry if it seems convoluted or sloppy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Not a lot to update about

i haven't had a lot happening that i feel relates well to anything so no new posts right now.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Parent Child Relationships

[Updated 9/16]
  I am one of those teenagers that my parents are for all intensive purposes, my best friends. I have heard throughout life that kids "hate" their parents. Lately i have had the opportunity to see multiple sides of the common child remark of "my parents ruin my life."
   someone i know is often depressed when they are at home. what they tell me is that their parents don't leave them alone or are treating them unfairly. i have met this persons parents and know that to me, they are very nice. I did not pass off this persons claims couldn't figure out  what the truth was.
   I got to know this person better, and would often video chat with them. I noticed this persons parents would often barge in and begin acting unhappy or disappointed with something this child had done. Me hearing these instances and hearing this persons stories made me think their parents weren't being fair.
   I went to talk to Dr. Schlegelmilch and turns out he knows this persons parents well. He says their doing everything right. As i continued thinking about this with my new perspective, I realized he was right.
   A very apparent trait with kids on the spectrum, is this misunderstanding of social cues as well as taking everything as the truth [literally]. i know this is one of my most disabling challenges that i fight everyday. i have often found it difficult to be "best buds" because i couldn't tell when someone was lying to me. its not so much that i minded it happening, because it doesn't effect me, but i minded finding out later that i should not have trusted them. i believe experiences like this and the ability to go through them in a safe environment like Orion, has been very useful and i [cliche] wouldn't have traded it for the world.
   so this post was somewhat of a jumble of many thoughts. i had just gone through this experience that took some reflecting so i thought why not do it here. hope you like.